Sunday 12 February 2012


Hi there!

So...this (fairly obviously) is my first post...ever (hopefully less obviously).  I'm new to the blogging game - I've just found myself needing to write essays about things that make my mind tick and irritating all my Facebook friends, so I thought I should maybe take these thoughts and stick them in the right place.  Hello!

The things that tend to provoke a reaction in me and thusly you will probably see me yakking about on here are all sorts in honesty - but mostly sexism, racism, ageism, size-ism, stupid-ass stereotypes and appalling grammar.  I will, in most cases, try to make these blogs seem less like an egotistical rant at everyone and everything who/that doesn't agree with me, by occasionally throwing in a link to an article by a learned person...or maybe an amusing picture of a cat.

Hope you find some of what I may talk about interesting.


PS: Tres amusant.

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