Saturday 18 January 2014

A Change in Direction

Hey guy(s)

Some of you may know that my computer games and women series has moved over to the amazing, along with other interesting videogame reads - check it out!

So, from now on, here at least, I will be turning my attention to another colossal media/gender issue minefield that is the world of the Disney animation.

I love Disney animations.  The first I remember watching was The Little Mermaid, and Ariel herself inspired me to become just like her when I was about 4.  That's right, a mermaid.

However, I am one of the first to admit, that their leading ladies are less than heroically depicted.

Now, I won't start proper during this article, but I will outline the kind of films I will be covering - Basically, Pre-Pixar.  Most Disney enthusiasts my age lament the decline of the all-singing, all dancing, painstakingly 2D animated Musical animations.  That's not to say that the work that goes into the beautiful Pixar Studios 3D animations are any less painstaking, but the suspension of disbelief shifts to totally different areas.

Example:  the "traditional" (for want of a better word) 2D animations expect you to travel to worlds where magic, witches, and spontaneous singing happens, whereas the later 3D animations would have you believing in more scientific-based fantasies.  That is to say, there is usually no "magical" explanation for animated toys, cars, planes, etc., they are just presented as fact in the universe they belong to, and they certainly don't need to sing or dance for your disbelief to need to be suspended, the fact that they are alive is enough.  As much as I enjoy the new 3D wave of animations, I do miss the singing and dancing Disney.

And of course, they've started to bring it back!  The first foray into the musical return, was "The Princess and the Frog", and not only was it musical, but also 2D.  I still haven't seen the film as of yet (and seeing as I'm going to do this in chronological order, I have lots of time to amend this, which I will), but by all accounts it was not nearly as popular as its predecessors back in the day.

Since, there have been two musical animations by Disney, but mixing the "traditional" and the 3D together, I think quite successfully; Tangled, and most recently Frozen.  Both involve the "Singing Princess on a Quest" formula, whilst moving away from the direct "I Need to Find a Boyfriend" route.

So, my next article here will be on The Little Mermaid.  One day I may venture into the older animations, but I've never been a huge fan, so i figured I'd start with what I know and go from there.

Also, it's basically just a huge excuse to watch as many Disney films as possible so I can sing along.